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We offer a wide range of specialist therapies and counselling services to our local community.

We work with individuals, couples and organisations to find a best-fit solution for various mental health needs, starting with a low-cost initial consultation to talk through the issues and think about what type of therapy would be most helpful.

Adult Individual Therapy

Couples Therapy

Group Therapy

Business and Organization Services

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Adult Individual therapy

Some people come to us looking for support with complex and chronic mental health problems, for others seeking therapy is about proactively keeping their mental health healthy.

We offer a range of individuals therapies and your preferences will play a part in determining the “best-fit” for you, along with the assessment of the experienced therapist who you see for your initial consultation. We are able to offer everything from short-term, focused counselling to open-ended exploratory psychotherapy. See ‘Types of Therapy’ for more information about the range on offer.

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Couples Therapy

Very often within the course of relationships, difficulties emerge that need addressing. These may include communication, intimacy, separation and divorce, cross-cultural challenges, adoption, infertility, sexuality… the list goes on and on. There are also many difficulties that can emerge in non-romantic relationships, such as adult family relationships. Couples therapy at BTC is an umbrella for all kinds of relationships - romantic or familial, monogamous, or non-monogamous.

These difficulties can often be resolved without outside assistance, particularly if those concerned are able to communicate effectively and understand each other’s point of view. Sometimes, however, it may be useful or necessary to discuss these difficulties with an independent professional who is trained to help people explore the issues affecting them and ultimately make decisions about what to do next. The number of sessions needed may range from one to several, depending on the nature of the difficulties.

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Group Therapy

Group therapy is a kind of psychological therapy that takes place with a group of people together, rather than with an individual during a one-on-one session.

Having therapy in a group environment can have many benefits as it offers a support network and provides the opportunity to meet others experiencing similar concerns. Together with the therapist and the other group members you should be encouraged to share your experiences and work on understanding yourself better.

In preparation for joining a therapy group you will be offered 2-3 individual sessions with the group therapist. These sessions are an opportunity to clarify in more detail the issues that you want to work on. This can sometimes take place over a period of weeks or months depending on whether the group is established or being newly set up.

What’s concerning you?

We can support you with many different issues.

Below is a list of some common concerns, but it is by no means exhaustive.  If you have any concerns and are considering therapy, please do get in touch with our friendly team.

  • Addiction
  • Abuse
  • ADHD
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Family problems
  • Grief
  • Identity
  • Mood disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Parenting issues
  • Phobias
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-harm
  • Sleep problems
  • Workplace stress

Get in touch to see how we can help you.